When in Rome
I have recently returned from 4ish days in Rome. (May 24 - 28)
The first thing I have to say is that I haven't had such great warm weather in aaagges! Bring it on. I had packed so well - with no for seen required cardi whatsoever!
Secondly, I am quite over the big touristy city thing.
But when in Europe - you have to do Rome. The first day (and the hottest)the 3 fair antipodean amigos arrived and headed for the apartment - well the keys anyway! On to the apartment, we immediately proceeded to get amongst it. The sun was shining - we were hungry hot and thirsty. Oh look! Its the Colosseum! Oh look - a beer gardeny thing! Perfect - we can admire them both from here!
Skulling 1 litre of beer was no sweat from our brow. Except for the fact that we had been up for the Ryan Red Eye. Unbenownst to us, we were in a semi jet lagged state.
We headed back to what we confidently thought was the way by tube back to our apartment - taking a series of minutes to realise that we hadn't actually walked that far and were actually going in the wrong direction! Just one of those funny things that HAD to happen I guess.
Back on track, we headed home and after a brief supermarket visit, we were sitting in the apartment scoffing local delicacies with the aim to hit the pillow.
Day 2 - Blonde northern hemispherian arrives. After a nice lie in, we met Kathryn at the station and potted around for the day. Tonight was the walking tour pub crawl. I think most of America turned up for it. We had a ball.
Spanish steps (Me, Leigh, Rezza)

Fontana di trevi (not the one on Pirie St)

After the heavy night of all that walking.... we decided sittin on the open top bus would be a better way to see the sights. (Followed by our favorite pizza slab joint ;)
Guess where I am??

Now Geppy, I know you love shoes and this who shoe accessorising thing, but did it get this bad?

On Sunday, we got up bright and early to visit the Pope. Unannounced to us, and not documented in any of the 8 handbooks we had read, you have to cover your knees and shoulders to get in! Hence Rez and I just did the Pope tomb walk. Ok, no disrespect, but I think I have had enough of the Vatican for today.
Vatican City (and the people lining up to get in)

After this point, we separated - blonde girls thata way - blonde girls thisa way.
Rez and Leigh did the Colosseum close up and Kathryn and I decided it was past time to shop. Where the hell are the shops in this town!? (as quoted in Vatican city!)We headed for the markets. These are actually the worst markets in the world. Miles and miles of the crap out of some cheap-asses wardrobe, tipped in a pile on a make shift stand. Oh, or there are the Nigerian guys with their dodgy fake gucci bags.. Not happy Jan. The only consolation was that we found the best gelati stand. There is always a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. (or something along those lines..)
Sunday night - the last night about town.
Classy dinner in a piazza - check

Sampling the local champers Prossecco - check

Finding a megaphone for the bargain sum of 8 Euros - check

All of the above summed up in one (unedited) photo - check!

Labels: Trips