Santiago (the one in northern Spain...)

Santiago De Compostela - the pilgrimage of St James (and something to do with Christopher Columbus)
Well, I hear you sigh as you read I have just returned from a trip to sunny Spain- Spain? Sunny? Santiago De Compostela to be exact. Apparently it rains most days of the year, but temperatures rarely fall below 15 and above 30 all year round. So as you guessed, it rained most of the weekend and we were lucky to get above about 13. But never fear, we still had a great time!
Day 1, Saturday, we arrived via the only mode of transport to this part, Ryanair. Everything seemed to be in close proximity and Ryan actually offers free shuttle service to the Old town (what a nice man). Unfortunately, we were not staying in the old town! However everything happens for a reason - if we had known where to go from the start we would never have discovered this haven of seafood delicacies, bars and friendly people (even if they were primarily women and at least 40).So we skidaddle to office de tourismo where we are greated by the lady who also manned the stand at the airport on our arrival. She remembered seeing us (and how could you not!;) and was quite seemingly apologetic that we had not of found our way to our hotel the first time!
Bus 11. Short trip, later found to be quite walkable (despite the town being built on 6 apparent hills, er mountains). Area Central Hotel... this looks like it...and what do you know - we are actually staying in the SHOPPING CENTRE! You couldnt really plan it any better could you?
So from here we, of course, thought we would chill for the afternoon, food, followed by a bit of a relax and pep up before our first night and Saturday in the town.
Our first (and only recollections from the old town were that of the gourmet variety. This in addition to the towns reknownment for Pulpo (Octopus) and other creatures of the deep, we chose a seafood restarant for a nice dinner. Yum! Everything you could expect and more. This accompanied by great regional rosal (rose - that in the supermarket was approximately £2!)
We moved to the bar area where the barmaid kept replacing our empty glasses with bottomless Estrella (Not Australia) which was the local beer - and a cheaper option than softdrink..!) Then of course there were the old men who noticed our uncanny resemblence to people who were not from the area! So we chatted to them, drank more free local liquors and had a picture taken for the Gallicia newspaper (to be cont').
From here we bar hopped in the rain, met a load of younger people and of course danced. I thought all of my dreams had come true when the dance floor parted to watch me salsa with some guy who was knocked off his feet (literally), but then it all came to an end when I had to scramble out the door to head to the next place.
By the end of the night random people (with no knowledge of the english language whatsoever) were hopping past yelling 'Kangaroo' - how did they know my ancestors?
Might I say, much like Adelaide, word travels fast that 2 blonde young (ish) chicks are in town! I like a place where tourists are still a novelty!
Sunday, luckily, was a day (in this town of religion) that nothing except food establishments were open. To recover from the night before, we rolled ourselves out of the hotel tomb and down to the shopping centre to find a source of energy. A few hours, a bad pizza and a few trips to the bathroom later, we were back in the tomb for a well deserved snooze. BUT Sunday night, we were ready for more. A walk to the old town, some wonderful sangria and tapas and the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. A man walked up to the open fish tank and snatched a live lobster! This photo represents the only evidence to solve the case of the stolen lobster!
Ok, now I will endevour to remember more of our Spanish adventures, si, but in the meantime Kathryn's stories and pics will fill the void (and embarrass me greatly - not like I aint used to it or love it for that matter!)
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