ness goss

Travel and life info

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

everything is stuck with blue tac

Cuisine - What is it with mayonnaise, new to be added to this list - digestive biscuits?

Share houses – an array of almost empty shampoo-like bottles of the window sil – however only 6 people live here.

What to do? I was planning on having an overseas experience on NYE, well MY os – away from London. After contemplating spending loads on getting to Hogmanay (Edinburgh) this was a no go because all of the tours depart on the 30th – and being a good new employee (and requiring the £) I am working on Friday 30th. So next option, taking up on an invite to Belfast. What you say?? Well I have heard many a bad word about Belfast. However most people mentioning the scariness haven’t actually been. So open-mindedly, (or naively) I looked into it. Too close – too hard/expensive – too cold. Paula, Nats’ housechick commented in her Françoise accent – ‘people would give an arm and a leg to be in London for NYE’ – hmmm. Good point.

So I have been searching for options, checking out tubes for posters, and it seems I have just opened a can of worms. So many clubs offering drinking, dancing, dinner, double rooms (cause it has to start with a D for this exercise) themed attire or, all of the above.
Ok, it has almost actually been decided. Glitterati Hotel may be where we are headed. With CC Peneston playing!


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