The U S of A
So I got in this morning, to find a newsletter from one of my fave USA giant retail fixes. (
(OMG love that jacket)
This only makes me think more and more about Destination:USA. I love the place, and Rez and I have added it into the equation 'Tour de World', however we havent mentioned it a great deal - mainly on my part because of the working restrictions.
Last night, 8/11/05 went out for a family dinner. . It was Grandads 85th, so of course we were off to the pub, the Belair Hotel to be exact. There I discussed with my beloved US relatives the ins and outs of extending your visa from the 3 months maximum. I confirmed that getting over the border either north or south of the United States, even for just one day, entitles you to start that 3 months all over again!! I mean not that I am trying to rought the system, but the option is there if we decided that the UK stank/was too cold/too expensive etc :)
So many options - now I am even more excited!...............................
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