bbbeeeeeeeeeepp beeeeeeeeeepp!
Still, alas, no camera.
However any camera in the world would not be able to interpret the weekend I have had moving house! More importantly, the task of driving around London!
What an event – this started when the company I booked the car with did not confirm my booking, made via email because their website was so shit that all links were unavailable. My several attempts to confirm fell on deaf ears, so I made a mad dash Friday night and early sat morning to try and find at least their address or phone number to contact them. ‘Office opens at 8am’ confirmed via AQA (he/she who knows all) – yet the company still doesn’t want to answer, for the whole of the morning. Tried the airport for weekend car options. Nothing. Went online again and found a company that could find us a car for 24hrs. Excellent. Not perfect,, but would do the job just the same. Better confirm…. Ooopps, sorry, we don’t have that car here – you will have to go into London Victoria! After this trek, we finally (not without dramas) got the car at 2pm.
On a positive note, I got to see a great deal of London and surrounds, an amount that people who have lived here all their lives wouldn’t ever get the opportunity to.