As per my previous blog ramble, I have been grounded in London for way too long. Solution: Scan Ryanair for a random cheap flight to somewhere you havent been. Destination: Gothenburg City. Partner in crime: Rezza. Weather: horrible.
(long) Day 1
We get up at 2:30am (by nothing other than the taxi guy calling to say he is waiting outside for us!)chucking on some clothes and scrambling downstairs, we find the cabby asleep in the drivers seat. Standing in front of the window does not alarm him; I have to call him to wake him up! We get in the cab and he asks us how to get to the bus stop (which might I add is just up the Road!) (Instead of sleeping maybe prepare your trip dude!) Anyway, a gentle bit of direction, a Tom Tom and a street directory later, we arrive at the Terravision bus stop - Bromley by Bow.
Miracle #1: the bust turns up ON TIME at 3:15am!
After a cruisey Stansted checkin and departure (yes your eyes are not playing tricks on you), short flight and nice extended sleep, we arrive in Sweden. Everything is in English. Where is the accommodation? It has to be in the small town somewhere (near the casino!)
After leaving our luggage, we ventured out for a look see (the bits we HADNT already covered) like The Avenue. Nice...
Back to the room for a bit o rest and then we get ready for what is planned as 'Big Saturday night at the Casino'. We had heard that it was nearly as good as Adelaide Cas, we hear that there were bars, and restaruants - we heard wrong. Quite dowdy, with 2 tiny bars and a few slot machines, we played the Choco wheel and then settled on a seat in the Poker room with our new found friend Elizabeth, a cocktail and the bar staff. Elizabeth had only lived in town for a month and was ready to move on.
We all decided we'd ditch this place and headed for the big cheese, The Avenue. Random annoying cultural thing #1: All venues have a coat check on entrance. Nice you say? Not if they MAKE you pay for it! and then Hard Rock try to charge the equivelent of £10 to get in! We decided that this wasnt the place (with no one in it!) we wanted to be. So we headed across the road to somewhere dry to retreat - The Scottish pub! It was like another world in there, obviously no fee to get in! people were everywhere (mostly on the floor) dancing to cheesy 80s tunes (from the last time they went out).
We were tired and not impressed. We headed home for a good snooze.
Day 2
Up and at em for brekkie! We left the hotel and headed for a potential 'cruise' across to a small olde worlde island. 'Sorry, only in summer' are you sure it isnt summer (Note sarcasm in voice after thrashing through the blistering wind and rain to get there!)
So we head to the tram nearby and took a scenic tram tour to the coast to take a ferret to another island. We find out if we get off, we ahve to wait 2 hrs for the return - so we just stayed on the ferry and took in the scenery...
On our return we decided whilst in Sweden (and its raining_ we need to go somewhere 'traditional' and dry.... Ikea!