COUNTDOWN (54 days left @ DECS)
Wow! What a week so far! They say things happen in 3's but this is ridiculous! I am trying to get over this tonsillitis/pharyngitis.
My car seems to be having a similar problem, well in this case, it will be needing a new radiator before too long, I say sell the darn thing! That is one less expense I need 54 days before going os! I think this is where I could use 'a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush'? Well I just did anyway. Oh and the third, well you could say that the washing machine still hasn't been fixed since I bought it. Again something I am in no hurry to accomplish before the os experience!
Carly is going to rent my unit on my departure and her return. So that's all positive and one LESS thing on the 'to do' list. Cant believe we are almost going to miss each other 'by that much!' (RIP Agent 86/Don Adams!)