Mercat Bouqeria

Tuesday 7th March 2006
Went for a massif! Walk along the man made beach and harbour area. Again it was a lovely day and there was lots of bars and restaurants along the beach – perfect opportunity for a pub/bar/beerfest crawl (Spanish style!) Unfortunately we chose the wrong place to stop to eat – Baja Beach Bar (the name should have given it away) it was an English tourist’s haven, even the staff looked like they came directly from the soccer – the Brits have more taste than this place provided. The only consolation was the sunny outside tables on the beach – without this major draw card, the place would have shut down ages ago.
On the way back, we ventured through the Mercat Bouqeria (food markets) – they are so much like the Adelaide Central Markets – a place I miss so dearly and all you South Aussies (although you love it) probably take this world class sanctuary for granted!
Very coincidental, but because we were there, we thought we might be able to secure some tickets to watch Chelsea play a crucial game against Barcelona. Alas, the ground holding aver 100,000 people was sold out. So we headed for a pub where we acquired to stool with good views of the plasma screen! I won’t go too much into detail, but Chelsea didn’t score and they needed 2 goals to continue.
What a fabulous time in Barcelona, even if my pride and joy (Chelsea) didn't manage to pull off a result. Enjoyed many things especially the waiter apologising to Ness for calling her English (I think he was more embarassed when I let slip my extremely cockney accent).
I also drank less than Ness the day of the pub crawl.
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