Sunday 5th March 2006
Woke nice and early – to be met by dark clouds full of rain! This didn’t not faze us – and as informed by Alex, not much is open on a Sunday, so we went for a wander. We headed down La Ramblas to Port Vell, crossed the dodgy jetty and arrived at a large shopping area – much like Darling Harbour in Sydney – just not as big! Unfortunately for us, it started bucketing down so we had to take retreat inside the mall. I did buy something too. A bright orange top, which I just happen to be wearing today! (Everyone at work is quite thankful for that!) I was so in awe by the colour everywhere – some of the shops were like art galleries with something of a ‘flamenco dancer meets gringo in tapas bar’ inspired outfits. Made me think of how Carly and I had all these ideas of cool outfits, but just couldn’t find anything remotely close in Oz.
We found a trusty tapas bar where the waiter apologised for thinking I was English, not realising that Pete has the biggest cockney accent even on London terms. Oops! The food was great and Pete charmed the waiter by ordering the first vodka for the day (sorry Pete, it was a moment that had to be described).
We then headed for a bar – um, now, ‘when in Rome……’ they don’t have bars as such! You buy your drinks at the tiny tapas bars, which feels kind of weird seeing you have just eaten – so we unwillingly headed to an Irish bar – just to escape the weather of course, and to watch the footy.
After that, we headed, to another irish bar (sooo many Irish bars!) then to an Australian Bar (those of you who have travelled overseas will know exactly what I mean when I say that by ‘Australian’ I mean there is Fosters served behind the bar and… well maybe an Aussie flag perched somewhere) to watch some more footy. By that time (and sangria and shooters later) it was time to eat again. We headed for a great seafood place – yum! + more wine etc! How did we get home!??
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